終於Unlucky LucciBy Katy Steinmetz Friday, Aug. 27, 2010 While the Los Angeles branch of the Academy hosts its sensational prime-time awards, 保濕面膜the New York branch hosts the less talked-about daytime, sports and news Emmy Awards. Perhaps the most famous face of the daytime awards — 關鍵字行銷and the entire soap-opera world — is Susan Lucci, who has played mercurial Erica Kane on All My Children since Nixon was President. 結婚Unfortunately for Lucci, it's not the longevity of her role that has brought her Emmy fame, but rather the epic string of snubs she 酒店兼職suffered before finally sealing the deal in 1999. After being first nominated for (and then losing) best daytime actress in 1978, she was 租屋nominated and disappointed an additional 17 times over the next two decades. As the presenter opened the envelope that 19th time to announce 有巢氏房屋the winner, he yelled, "The streak is over!" Rosie O'Donnell cried. Oprah threw her hands in the air. And everyone else in the place 591offered a heartfelt standing ovation as Lucci finally got her hands on the statue. "I truly never believed that this would happen," she told 術後面膜the audience through her tears. 美國的連續劇可以一連就是3, 40年, 從你克森當總統開始到現在, 蘇三魯奇飾演艾利卡甘, (有一次在脫口秀也自嘲, 她劇當鋪中腳色, 跟所有劇中男演員相愛結婚有的還結2次) 20年來被提名17次, 終於拿到艾美獎了室內設計,28804,2014000_2014056,00.html#ixzz0y4hfu9FD

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